Showing posts with label stephen hawking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stephen hawking. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


I used to take every step with an unnecessarily cautious attitude. I would believe that if I ever missed a line, life would take my stumble as a threat and push my soul from a cliff. Now, I only look up. Now, I can finally see the stars. I finally remembered to look up and see the stars. If I cannot, I simply imagine them and they become my reality. I am no longer chasing lines. I am no longer chasing scratches. The stars, well, I am not chasing them, either. They are just there every time I want to see them. I am no longer creating the cliffs that I end up running from. Everything that used to burn up and set fire to my chest became the ashes that fade with the wind every time I remember to look up. Every wisteria that tangled around my feet became daisies and they only make me feel free.

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.”

-Stephen HAWKING

Gölgeleme: And the Bad Seeds

  Göğsünün derinliklerinde bir yerlerde saklamak zorunda kaldığın tüm o güzel hisleri düşün. Küçükken takmak istediğin ama sana gülmesinler ...